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Organizations operate mostly top-down and this is reflected in the way “working together” is usually organized. Participation in meetings is restricted and often standardized. Agendas and discussions are controlled by a few. Meeting formats and designs tend to be nearly always the same and dominated by PowerPoint presentations followed by managed discussions.  Decisions made during these meetings depend for their implementation on the “vast majority” who were not included in the process. Organizations that use LS have instead access to a variety of structures for including their “vast majority” in shaping direction together.



Our world is increasingly complex, interdependent, and culturally diverse.  The most pressing challenges we face cut across geographic, cultural, and technical boundaries.  Working together productively with difference is central to making progress.


Unwittingly, the conventional structures used to organize how people routinely work together stifle inclusion and engagement while neglecting the diverse talents needed to make progress together.


Liberating Structures (LS) are novel and practical how-to methods to help you include and unleash everyone in shaping next steps.  LS distribute control so that participants can shape direction themselves as the action unfolds.


With LS, it is simple and easy to learn tiny shifts in the way we meet, plan, decide and relate to one another. No lengthy training courses or special skills are required; mastery is simply a matter of practice. 


Last updated on November 3, 2015 by Keith McCandless